Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Conservatives Need the Senate for a True WIN

What follows is an excerpt from an email sent by the League of American Voters. It includes a Senate update by Jim DeMint. This is what U.S. Senator DeMint has to say about the November elections:

"Most Americans are focused on the presidential race right now, but winning the White House -- as critical as it is -- won't be enough to save the country we love without a strong, conservative majority in the United States Senate.

  • Without a conservative Senate, we won't repeal Obamacare.
  • Without a conservative Senate, we won't balance the budget.
  • Without a conservative Senate, we won't secure our borders.
  • Without a conservative Senate, we won't stop the bailouts.
  • And without a conservative Senate, we won't enact the pro-growth policies needed to get America back to work.

If you're reading this letter, chances are, you follow current events more closely than most and you probably understand the point I'm making -- winning the Senate is key to restoring America's greatness.
The simple fact of the matter is this: a Republican president without a conservative Senate is a waste of a Republican president.

A president can campaign on good policies, but he doesn't write the bills. As long as liberals are in charge of writing legislation, it will be difficult for a Republican president to sign the right bills into law.
Does anyone think Harry Reid will ever send a bill to the President's desk to repeal ObamaCare? The answer is "no" and that's why I am focused on sending strong conservatives to the Senate who will make that a reality."

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EXCERPT - Peter Schweizer’s book Secret Empires: How Our Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Their Families and Friends.

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