Sunday, October 8, 2017

Snowflakes and the Seven Dorks

Once upon a time in a land far, far away…there lived a young princess named Snowflakes. The kingdom of Freedonia had just installed a new leader named King Donald. Snowflakes was outrage by the accession to power of this king. She felt King Donald had no experience to be her king since he was not royalty but had come to power based on his abilities to rule. Snowflakes decided to leave Freedonia and find her own Utopia.

Snowflakes traveled into an unknown region outside Freedonia. This was a world void of sense and sensibility…a perfect place for Snowflakes to live. She ventured deeper and deeper into this mysterious land.

Suddenly she came upon a small house pleasantly decorated with wild and vibrant colors. This appeared to her as a wondrous place to live. Snowflakes knocked at the door but no one answered. Slowly she tugged at the door and found it unlocked. She went in.

Around her were small furnishings…chairs, a sofa, a table, and more. A warm glow came from inside a miniature kitchen. A bright fireplace greeted her cold bones. Snowflakes knew she was sleepy so she lay on the small rug directly in front of the fireplace. Slowly she feel into a deep slumber.

The afternoon air rang out with the sound of a band of whistling workers making their way to the small house where Snowflakes lat sound asleep. There at the open door stood seven small workers. Slowly they approached a sleeping Snowflakes. Suddenly she awoke!

“Don’t be afraid.” said the leader of the group, “We are fellow travelers and know you, Snowflakes”. She smiled understanding very well that she was among friends.

The leader introduced himself as George. To his left he said stood Hillary, Barack, and Huma. To his right he introduced Nancy, Maxine, and Bill, Hillary’s husband.

Each one of the group told Snowflakes what they did at work. Hillary began by saying that she wanted to be queen of Freedonia but was inept and was not a leader. Hillary felt the people needed her but that they did not deserve her leadership. She said she exhausted a lot of money trying to convince the commoners that she was best for them. Unfortunately, her liberal ranting did not get her the crown she wanted and she thought was hers. She also mentioned a book of excuses she had written recently.

Barack told Snowflakes he was a deposed king who was deeply misunderstood by the people. He mentioned his only faithful followers were a group of tolerant and friendly Muslims. He believed that one group of Freedonians were better than others. Barack did all he could to make people understand they were not the same. He also created many laws that made it hard for citizens to live and work; regulations he thought were for the improvement good of all.

Huma mentioned that she and Hillary were good friends…excellent friends. Huma kept Hillary’s private papers in a secret folder stored deep in the cellar. She said the couple was very close! She said nothing else about their relationship.

The worker Nancy said she migrated from a land called California. She and Maxine wanted to do anything to get rid of King Donald. Maxine also said that King Donald did not understand poor people who lived in rich neighborhoods like her. Nancy and Maxine were like twins in what they did and what they thought. Both had been working for many years.

Then Bill spoke up. Bill said he too at one time was king of Freedonia. He felt no one understood him. He said at one time leaders tried to get rid of him but failed. He left on his own accord. Bill did not say much more since he was too busy examining the girl who lived next door!

Lastly, George introduced himself. He told Snowflakes that he was the troupe leader who paid for all the other workers in their efforts to banish King Donald. His money was spread out to various organizations with impressive sounding names like Alliance for Justice, Families USA, the Human Rights Watch, and others. The better the sounding name, the more socialism he could pawn off on Freedonia! This he did from outside the kingdom even though he had spies in King Donald’s court.

George proudly said that they were known locally as the Seven Dorks. Snowflakes told him the name fit them well. She said she would totally support the work of the Dorks. She too felt King Donald had to go! From that day on, Snowflakes and the Seven Dorks labored intently to depose King Donald…Freedonia was under attack!

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EXCERPT - Peter Schweizer’s book Secret Empires: How Our Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Their Families and Friends.

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