Sunday, October 8, 2017

The No Bull Statue Act

Here we go again! Some liberal lunatics are all upset about statues honoring Christopher Columbus. These Snowflakes are offended by any monument to Columbus since in their view he destroyed Native American cultures. What else offends these Anti-American pansies?

Guess what, some things offend me! I want something done about monuments to an assortment of corrupt politicians and government officials.

Barack Obama incited racial divisions. He made us all pay more for health insurance. He regulated our country into near poverty. He was an Islam partner in terror. Obama surrendered much of the land the U.S. had liberated from Islamic terrorists. I want any statue of this bum taken down!

Lyndon B. Johnson gave us the Great Society. This gave us entitlement heaven with taxpayer funded housing and food stamps. The guy took us into Vietnam and then let politicians run the war…and we lost. Johnson was against civil rights until it became politically advantageous. I want any statue of this bum taken down!

The saint of the Democrat Party, Franklin D. Roosevelt started a trend in government intervention. He made the federal government one of the largest employers of his time while making taxpayer fund his Utopia. Roosevelt also knew about what would happen at Pearl Harbor. He was not ignorant of Japanese intention, but he did nothing and blood of many is on his hands. I want any statue of this bum taken down!

Do you remember a guy named Woodrow Wilson? He began bankrupting America by signing the Federal Reserve Act. This act established the Internal Revenue Service or IRS. The IRS taxed the income of citizens to pay off government debts. Under Wilson, our tax system became bloated. He said no to a war in Europe even though he secretly wanted the U.S. to go to war with Germany. I want any statue of this bum taken down!

I am sure that we all have individuals and groups we see as evil. Should we take down all statues and monuments to these people or organizations? Is it honest for us to ignore history because it offends us? Maybe we should just build nondescript mounds and rocks like Stone Hedge!

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EXCERPT - Peter Schweizer’s book Secret Empires: How Our Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Their Families and Friends.

THIS LOOKS LIKE A VERY GOOD BOOK TO READ. HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM AND ABOUT IT: The book, released Tuesday, said Obama and his administra...